
High harmonic generation is not only exciting in terms of what is possible with the resulting coherent XUV rediation but also the process itself is quite beautiful to look at. A well deserved price for best application image goes to Sven Weerdenburg from the TU Delft for his stunning capture of our XUV generation spot inside the AFS HHG module.



This piece made of alumina ceramics, has a thickness of 0.5mm, a depth of 0.1mm and a diameter of 44.6mm. It was made by Ms. Laura Laske at the Laser-Cut-Processing-GmbH on TRIDELTA Campus in Hermsdorf using one of our Yb-100 femtosecond laser systems.



Shaobo Fang from the Institute of Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing took this Photo of our Yb-60 Laser with a subsequent nonlinear compression to less than 40fs pulse duration.